Results for 'Randolf Warren Gregorio Talavera Mayo Ii'

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  1.  15
    The Quarantine Policy of the Philippines in Ross Upshur’s Ethical Principles.Melchor Labao Cuizon, Randolf Warren Gregorio Talavera Mayo Ii & Rufo Ramil Hornido Cruz - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):200.
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    Javier San Martin. La fenomenología de Ortega y Gasset. Madrid, biblioteca nueva/fundación Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón, 2012, 217 pp. [REVIEW]Balbino A. Quesada Talavera - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:523-534.
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  3. The Independence Thesis: When Individual and Social Epistemology Diverge.Conor Mayo-Wilson, Kevin J. S. Zollman & David Danks - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (4):653-677.
    In the latter half of the twentieth century, philosophers of science have argued (implicitly and explicitly) that epistemically rational individuals might compose epistemically irrational groups and that, conversely, epistemically rational groups might be composed of epistemically irrational individuals. We call the conjunction of these two claims the Independence Thesis, as they together imply that methodological prescriptions for scientific communities and those for individual scientists might be logically independent of one another. We develop a formal model of scientific inquiry, define four (...)
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  4. Severe testing as a basic concept in a neyman–pearson philosophy of induction.Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (2):323-357.
    Despite the widespread use of key concepts of the Neyman–Pearson (N–P) statistical paradigm—type I and II errors, significance levels, power, confidence levels—they have been the subject of philosophical controversy and debate for over 60 years. Both current and long-standing problems of N–P tests stem from unclarity and confusion, even among N–P adherents, as to how a test's (pre-data) error probabilities are to be used for (post-data) inductive inference as opposed to inductive behavior. We argue that the relevance of error probabilities (...)
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  5. Models of group selection.Deborah G. Mayo & Norman L. Gilinsky - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (4):515-538.
    The key problem in the controversy over group selection is that of defining a criterion of group selection that identifies a distinct causal process that is irreducible to the causal process of individual selection. We aim to clarify this problem and to formulate an adequate model of irreducible group selection. We distinguish two types of group selection models, labeling them type I and type II models. Type I models are invoked to explain differences among groups in their respective rates of (...)
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  6. Wisdom of the Crowds vs. Groupthink: Learning in Groups and in Isolation.Conor Mayo-Wilson, Kevin Zollman & David Danks - 2013 - International Journal of Game Theory 42 (3):695-723.
    We evaluate the asymptotic performance of boundedly-rational strategies in multi-armed bandit problems, where performance is measured in terms of the tendency (in the limit) to play optimal actions in either (i) isolation or (ii) networks of other learners. We show that, for many strategies commonly employed in economics, psychology, and machine learning, performance in isolation and performance in networks are essentially unrelated. Our results suggest that the appropriateness of various, common boundedly-rational strategies depends crucially upon the social context (if any) (...)
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  7. Reliability of testimonial norms in scientific communities.Conor Mayo-Wilson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (1):55-78.
    Several current debates in the epistemology of testimony are implicitly motivated by concerns about the reliability of rules for changing one’s beliefs in light of others’ claims. Call such rules testimonial norms (tns). To date, epistemologists have neither (i) characterized those features of communities that influence the reliability of tns, nor (ii) evaluated the reliability of tns as those features vary. These are the aims of this paper. I focus on scientific communities, where the transmission of highly specialized information is (...)
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  8. Francisco de Vitoria: una humanidad solidaria y pacífica (y II).Gregorio Celada Luengo - 2003 - Ciencia Tomista 130 (420):55.
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    An objective theory of statistical testing.Deborah G. Mayo - 1983 - Synthese 57 (3):297 - 340.
    Theories of statistical testing may be seen as attempts to provide systematic means for evaluating scientific conjectures on the basis of incomplete or inaccurate observational data. The Neyman-Pearson Theory of Testing (NPT) has purported to provide an objective means for testing statistical hypotheses corresponding to scientific claims. Despite their widespread use in science, methods of NPT have themselves been accused of failing to be objective; and the purported objectivity of scientific claims based upon NPT has been called into question. The (...)
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    Per un Medioevo plurale: Global Middle Ages e Federico II.Gregorio Fiori-Carones & Daphne Grieco - 2021 - Doctor Virtualis 16:111-133.
    Il tema sviluppato nel presente intervento è il rapporto tra narrazione e costruzione storica. Si prenderà in esame l’accezione di narrativa correntemente utilizzata nel mondo storiografico facendola dialogare con il paradigma dei _global middle ages_, espressione coniata nel 2018 dalle storiche Catherine Holmes e Naomi Standen. Per meglio mettere in risalto tali dinamiche un caso di studio sarà offerto dalla vicenda di Federico II, con particolare enfasi alla costruzione biografica e dei miti nel rapporto con le culture altre. Il fine (...)
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  11. II. Nietzsche and Political Philosophy.Mark Warren - 1985 - Political Theory 13 (2):183-212.
  12.  61
    (1 other version)Studies in Ancient Greek Society: Volume II: The First Philosophers. By George Thomson. (London: Lawrence and Wishart. 1955. Pp. 367. Price 27s. 6d.). [REVIEW]Bernard Mayo - 1957 - Philosophy 32 (120):81-.
  13.  42
    II—Forms of Agreement in Plato’s Crito.James Warren - 2023 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 123 (1):26-50.
    Crito thinks Socrates should agree to leave the prison and escape from Athens. Socrates is also determined that he and Crito should have a ‘common plan of action’ (koinē boulē: 49d3), but he wants Crito to share his preferred plan of remaining and submitting to the court’s sentence. Much of the drama of the Crito is generated by the interplay of these two old friends, both determined that they should come to an agreement, but differing radically in what they think (...)
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    C.A.H. II.2 - The Cambridge Ancient History (third edition), Vol. 2, Part 2: History of the Middle East and the Aegean Region c. 1380–1000 B.C. Pp. xxiii + 1128. Cambridge: University Press, 1975. £12·50.Peter Warren - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (02):209-.
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  15. The Possibility of Truth by Convention.Jared Warren - 2015 - Philosophical Quarterly 65 (258):84-93.
    An influential argument against the possibility of truth by linguistic convention holds that while conventions can determine which proposition a given sentence expresses, they (conventions) are powerless to make propositions true or false. This argument has been offered in the literature by Lewy, Yablo, Boghossian, Sider and others. But despite its influence and prima facie plausibility, the argument: (i) equivocates between different senses of “making true”; (ii) mistakenly assumes hyperintensional contexts are intensional; and (iii) relies upon an implausible vision of (...)
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    Critical Response II. Sociology and The Wire.Kenneth W. Warren - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 38 (1):200-207.
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    Physics and metaphysics in Ḥasdai Crescas.Warren Harvey - 1998 - Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.
    This book examines central themes in the thought of Rabbi Hasdai Crescas (c. 1340-1410/11), the great Catalan Jewish philosopher who contributed to the revolution of modern science and profoundly influenced Spinoza. Part I treats of Crescas' radical critique of the Aristotelian concepts of space, time, and the vacuum, and analyzes his vision of an infinite universe; it discusses his criticisms of Maimonides' proofs of God, and expounds his own proof; and it concludes with a discussion of his concept of God (...)
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    (1 other version)Mental Disorder and Religious Experience: The Need for a Humble, Pragmatic Pluralism.Warren Kinghorn - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):215-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mental Disorder and Religious ExperienceThe Need for a Humble, Pragmatic PluralismWarren Kinghorn, MD (bio)Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed follows Charles Taylor’s argument that in the “therapeutic turn” of modernity, “certain human struggles, questions, issues, difficulties, problems are moved from a moral/spiritual to a therapeutic register,... from a hermeneutic of sin, evil or spiritual misdirection, to one of sickness” (Taylor, 2007, pp. 619–620). While the project of construing mental disorder in naturalistic, (...)
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    Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology, 1928-1938 (review).Nicolas De Warren - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):496-497.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology, 1928–1938Nicolas de WarrenRonald Bruzina. Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology, 1928–1938. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Pp. xxvii + 627. Cloth, $45.00.Edmund Husserl defined a new field and method of philosophical research that required the employment of students in the pursuit of a rigorous and elusive science called transcendental phenomenology. Husserl's most famous (...)
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    Kommian Pottery Philip P. Betancourt: Kommos II: the Final Neolithic through Middle Minoan III Pottery. (Kommos: an Excavation on the South Coast of Crete by the University of Toronto and the Royal Ontario Museum under the Auspices of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.) Pp. xv + 262; 70 figs., 104 plates. Princeton University Press, 1990. $150. [REVIEW]Peter Warren - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):135-137.
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    Minoan landscapes L. rocchetti (ed.): Sybrita. La Valle di amari fra bronze E Ferro. Fascicolo primo . (Cnr istituto per gli studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici. Ricerche Greco-italiane in creta occidentale II. incunabula graeca 96.) pp. 254, maps, figs. Rome: Gruppo editoriale internazionale, 1994. L. 180,000. Isbn: 88-8011-020-9. M. tsipopoulou, L. vagnetti (edd.): Achladia. Scavi E ricerche Della missione Greco-italiana in creta orientale (1991–1993) . (Cnr istituto per gli studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici. Incunabula graeca 97.) pp. 218, maps, figs. Rome: Gruppo editoriale internazionale, 1995. L. 270,000. Isbn: 88-8011-071-. [REVIEW]Peter Warren - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):547.
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  22. Quantifier Variance.Eli Hirsch & Jared Warren - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge. pp. 349-357.
    Quantifier variance is a well-known view in contemporary metaontology, but it remains very widely misunderstood by critics. Here we briefly and clearly explain the metasemantics of quantifier variance and distinguish between modest and strong forms of variance (Section I), explain some key applications (Section II), clear up some misunderstandings and address objections (Section III), and point the way toward future directions of quantifier-variance-related research (Section IV).
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  23. Quantifier Variance and the Demand for a Semantics.Eli Hirsch & Jared Warren - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (3):592-605.
    In the work of both Matti Eklund and John Hawthorne there is an influential semantic argument for a maximally expansive ontology that is thought to undermine even modest forms of quantifier variance. The crucial premise of the argument holds that it is impossible for an ontologically "smaller" language to give a Tarskian semantics for an ontologically "bigger" language. After explaining the Eklund-Hawthorne argument (in section I), we show this crucial premise to be mistaken (in section II) by developing a Tarskian (...)
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    Lewis Carroll's Symbolic Logic: Part I, Elementary, 1896, Fifth Edition, Part II, Advanced, Never Previously Published : Together with Letters from Lewis Carroll to Eminent Nineteenth-century Logicians and to His "logical Sister," and Eight Versions of the Barber-shop Paradox.Lewis Carroll & William Warren Bartley - 1977 - Clarkson Potter Publishers.
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    I. E. S. Edwards, the late C. J. Gadd, N. G. L. Hammond, E. Sollberger: The Cambridge Ancient History. Plates to Volumes land II. New Edition. Pp. xlii; 181 monochrome plates. Cambridge: University Press, 1977. Cloth, £7·50. [REVIEW]Peter Warren - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (1):173-174.
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    El humor en Platón: humor y filosofía a través de los Diálogos.Jonathan Lavilla de Lera, Javier Aguirre Santos & Gregorio Luri Medrano (eds.) - 2018 - Sevilla, España: Editorial Doble J.
    La seriedad que ha dominado la lectura de la obra de Platón en nuestra tradición no es ajena al temprano protagonismo que adquirió la interpretación neoplatónica de la obra del filósofo ni a la importante presencia que el neoplatonismo adquirió en el largo proceso de elaboración doctrinal del cristianismo a partir del siglo II. Este olvido del recurso al humor condicionaría con frecuencia y de modo significativo la recta comprensión de los diálogos. Al leer la obra de Platón, descubrimos, por (...)
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    The Motion of Abrikosov vortices in a type II superconductor.P. H. Borcherds, C. E. Gough, W. F. Vinen & A. C. Warren - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (104):349-354.
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  28. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 2: Issues of conservatism and pragmatism in psychiatric diagnosis. [REVIEW]Allen Frances, Michael A. Cerullo, John Chardavoyne, Hannah S. Decker, Michael B. First, Nassir Ghaemi, Gary Greenberg, Andrew C. Hinderliter, Warren A. Kinghorn, Steven G. LoBello, Elliott B. Martin, Aaron L. Mishara, Joel Paris, Joseph M. Pierre, Ronald W. Pies, Harold A. Pincus, Douglas Porter, Claire Pouncey, Michael A. Schwartz, Thomas Szasz, Jerome C. Wakefield, G. Waterman, Owen Whooley & Peter Zachar - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:8-.
    In face of the multiple controversies surrounding the DSM process in general and the development of DSM-5 in particular, we have organized a discussion around what we consider six essential questions in further work on the DSM. The six questions involve: 1) the nature of a mental disorder; 2) the definition of mental disorder; 3) the issue of whether, in the current state of psychiatric science, DSM-5 should assume a cautious, conservative posture or an assertive, transformative posture; 4) the role (...)
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  29. Gregorios II. Kyprios und der Kodex Laurentianus Plut. 10.8.Sofia Kotzabassi - 2004 - Byzantion 74 (1):198-202.
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    Constancio II, modelo de emperador cristiano en las "Orationes" IV y V de Gregorio de Nacianzo.Ramón Teja - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:167-177.
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    Die Argumentation des Patriarchen Gregorios II. Kyprios zur Widerlegung des Filioque-Ansatzes in der Schrift. De processione Spiritus sancti.Theodoros Alexopoulos - 2011 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 104 (1):1-39.
    Focussing on the thirteenth-century endings of Byzantine writings against the Latin innovation of the Filioque, the present study aims, on the basis of the work De processione Spiritus sancti (1283), to provide the reader with an insight into the nature of the Orthodox argumentation refuting the Filioque. The work was until now attributed to Gregorios Kyprios Patriarch of Konstantinople (1283–1289). However, it is not a product of his pen, but a compiled version of his earlier work, the “Antirrheticos against Bekkos”. (...)
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    Documento II: Intervención de José Echegaray en las Cortes Constituyentes, 1869. (Diario de Sesiones de las Cortes Constituyentes. Presidencia de Nicolás María Rivero. Sesión del miércoles 5 mayo de 1869). «La cuestión religiosa». [REVIEW]José Echegaray Y. Eizaguirre - 2004 - Arbor 179 (707/708):715-729.
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    Gregorio's Glottological Studies - Studi glottologici italiani. Diretti da Giacomo de Gregorio. Vol II. 1 Turin, Loescher. 1901. [REVIEW]A. H. Sayce - 1901 - The Classical Review 15 (07):373-.
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    Actas del II Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía Española: Salamanca, del 28 de abril al 2 de mayo de 1980.Antonio Heredia Soriano (ed.) - 1982 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca Ediciones Universidad de.
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    La controversia de Hegel con Kant: II congreso internacional (13-16 de mayo de 2002).Mariano Alvarez-Gómez, Paredes Martín & María del Carmen (eds.) - 2004 - Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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  36. 55 años de mayo del 68 … y de la Humanae vitae. Una reflexión bioética.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal - 2022 - Vida y Ética 24:9-24.
    En 1968 ocurrieron dos hechos sobre los cuales cabe hacer una reflexión orientada por la bioética: la llamada Revolución del 68 y la aparición de la Carta encíclica Humanae Vitae. El Concilio Vaticano II, que fue presentado como una actualización de la Iglesia católica al mundo moderno, fue el escenario de los estudios previos a la redacción del documento pontificio, donde Pablo VI dejó clara la postura del Magisterio de la Iglesia sobre la moral sexual y anticipa los errores prácticos (...)
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    Estudios de historia de la lógica: actas del II simposio de historia de la lógica, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 25-27 de mayo de 1987.Ignacio Angelelli & Angel D'Ors (eds.) - 1990 - Pamplona: Ediciones Eunate.
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  38. Review: Models of the History of Philosophy. Volume II: From Cartesian Age to Brucker, ed. by Gregorio Piaia and Giovanni Santinello,(International Archives of the History of Ideas, 204). [REVIEW]Leo Catana - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
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    Il secondo Illuminismo e l'età kantiana di Italo F. Baldo, Francesco Bottin, Mario Longo, Giuseppe Micheli, Gregorio Piaia, Giovanni Santinello, Ilario Tolomio. Vol. I-II. [REVIEW]Gilbert Gérard - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (75):538-540.
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    Models of the History of Philosophy, Vol. II: From the Cartesian Age to Brucker. Edited By Gregorio Piaia and Giovanni Santinello. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, Pp. XXIV + 604. Price £224.50 hb.). [REVIEW]Mogens Lærke - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (251):400-403.
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    Estudios de lingüística ugarítica: Una selección. By Gregorio del Olmo Lete.Aren Wilson-Wright - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (4).
    Estudios de lingüística ugarítica: Una selección. By Gregorio del Olmo Lete. Aula Orientalis-Supplementa, vol. 30. Barcelona: Editorial Ausa, 2016. Pp. ii + 383.
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  42. Review: Warren Goldfarb’s Deductive Logic. [REVIEW]Gillian Russell - 2005 - Australasian Journal of Logic 3:63-66.
    Deductive Logic is an introductory textbook in formal logic. The book is divided into four parts covering (i) truth-functional logic, (ii) monadic quantifi- cation, (iii) polyadic quantification and (iv) names and identity, and there are exercises for all these topics at the end of the book. In the truth-functional logic part, the reader learns to produce paraphrases of English statements and arguments in logical notation (this subsection is called “analysis”), then about the semantic properties of such paraphrased statements and arguments, (...)
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  43. The Doctrine of Doing and Allowing II: The Moral Relevance of the Doing/Allowing Distinction.Fiona Woollard - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (7):459-469.
    According to the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing, the distinction between doing and allowing harm is morally significant. Doing harm is harder to justify than merely allowing harm. This paper is the second of a two paper critical overview of the literature on the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing. In this paper, I consider the moral status of the distinction between doing and allowing harm. I look at objections to the doctrine such as James’ Rachels’ Wicked Uncle Case and Jonathan (...)
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    Entrevista a Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz en la presentación de Más allá de imperios y de naciones (I y II).Silverio Sánchez Corredera & Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:233-250.
    El 12 de mayo de 2024 tuvo lugar la grabación de una entrevista al filósofo Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz, a propósito de la reciente edición de Más allá de imperios y de naciones, 1: rutas, fronteras y complejidad y Más allá de imperios y de naciones, 2: singularidad imperial: del Mediterráneo al Atlántico (Eikasía, 2023). La entrevista se realizó con la finalidad de ser emitida en las redes sociales, a través de los canales técnicos facilitados por Eikasía. En el (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Edmund Burke, Volume Ii 1784-1797.F. P. Lock - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This is the second and concluding volume of a biography of Edmund Burke, a key figure in eighteenth-century British and Irish politics and intellectual life. Covering the most interesting years of his life, its leading themes are India and the French Revolution. Burke was largely responsible for the impeachment of Warren Hastings, former Governor-General of Bengal. The lengthy trial of Hastings is recognized as a landmark episode in the history of Britain's relationship with India. Lock provides the first day-by-day (...)
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    Westerink Leendert G./Duffy John (eds.), Michael Psellus. Theologica. Vol. II. [Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.]. [REVIEW]Claudio Bevegni - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):800-801.
    A distanza di tredici anni dalla pubblicazione del primo, e più corposo, volume dei Theologica di Michele Psello, curato da Paul Gautier, vede ora la luce il secondo e ultimo volume degli opuscoli teologici del grande poligrafo bizantino, ad arricchire ulteriormente la ormai lunga serie delle edizioni pselliane comparse nella Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Il vol. si apre con una Praefatio essenziale (pp. VII–XVIII), incentrata sulla tradizione manoscritta dei singoli opuscoli, nella quale vengono rapidamente elencati tutti i codici dai quali ogni trattatello (...)
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    The Intersections of Knowledge: Hobbes, Mersenne, Descartes.Roger Ariew - 2023 - Hobbes Studies 36 (2):197-212.
    Gregorio Baldin’s book, La croisée des savoirs, concerns the intellectual relations among Hobbes, Mersenne, and Descartes. The study is limited to the time between 1634 and 1648, starting when Hobbes first met Mersenne in Paris and ending when Mersenne died. It covers three main topics. Part i is devoted to the relations maintained by Hobbes with the circle of Mersenne during 1634–1636, which Baldin thinks are essential for the development of Hobbes’ scientific thought. Part ii develops the theme of (...)
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    Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge.Deborah G. Mayo - 1996 - University of Chicago.
    This text provides a critique of the subjective Bayesian view of statistical inference, and proposes the author's own error-statistical approach as an alternative framework for the epistemology of experiment. It seeks to address the needs of researchers who work with statistical analysis.
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  49. (2 other versions)Error and the growth of experimental knowledge.Deborah Mayo - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (1):455-459.
  50. Scoring Imprecise Credences: A Mildly Immodest Proposal.Conor Mayo-Wilson & Gregory Wheeler - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (1):55-78.
    Jim Joyce argues for two amendments to probabilism. The first is the doctrine that credences are rational, or not, in virtue of their accuracy or “closeness to the truth” (1998). The second is a shift from a numerically precise model of belief to an imprecise model represented by a set of probability functions (2010). We argue that both amendments cannot be satisfied simultaneously. To do so, we employ a (slightly-generalized) impossibility theorem of Seidenfeld, Schervish, and Kadane (2012), who show that (...)
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